The bf and I, having reconciled, were walking through a rough, industrial part of town in a leisurely way. A group of Christian neighborhood watch folks, primarily african-american males, came around the corner. We said hello and they kind of dismissed us, rolling their eyes, and walked past. As we turned the corner there was a large blue warehouse/ church in front of us. As we got closer the bf walked faster ahead of me with this insane smile on his face. He disappeared for a long time and I waited paitently on a bench, watching people come out of their services and trying to locate their children. The bf came back and when I asked where he'd gone he told me, still with that manic smile, that he had been 'begot'. I asked him to explain and he could not, but I could see that he was very attracted to this church, which was increasingly repulsing me with the compound-like setting and negative reactions of followers. Suddenly the bf asked a male member where the bathroom was, and no one knew. They went further down the hall and disappeared around the corner, never to return.