Color blind? Retarded?

Well, no one's reading this, cause no one read the last one, BUT, I blame "you" anyway. So I felt that I was too indecisive and should test myself. After my last post I ran (drove) to a nearby clothing store and bought two outfits; no advice, no input from anyone. I came out, after many many hours, with two outfits. One was easy: gray pants, white shirt and cool blue and gray striped tie. No prob. The other was my risky one: greens hrit (similar to main color in header above), brown and green tie (very geometric and cool) and... here comes trouble... "field" pants... What the fuck is field? Well, it depends, in the store it's brown, with gold flecks in it.... That's fine and dandy, and is what I saw before I left for work today, and again before I stood in front of a room full of grad students as a panelist. They suddenly changed, though, as I drove from my office this afternoon... Dunno if it's the sunlight or neoroligical shift, but I almost drove off the road a bit ago as I glancved down to see that I suddenly had on greenm pants! A green in such a way that I was clashing with my shirt in a most obvious way... shit... I know, sounds petty, but I'm freaking! This is why I can't make decisions on my own: I don't trust myself because I tend to come out looking like an ass.... in green pants... fuck...

My Drag Name is Anne Slanders

("Honey, no it looks great! This is all the rage this year...")
I wish I could lure more folks to my blog so they could give me advice and guide my life, thereby relieving me of all responsibility. I know, posting more than twice a month would be a start, shut it!!

I've somehow become that guy who follows everyone else's rules. In my early thirties I still quiver when presented with a choice, much like I did in that Baltimore toy-store some 28 years ago. Recently my mom revealed her secret fear that I would move to New York City. Apparently this was something that she had thought about for years while I was growing up. When she asked why I didn't, I told her that I didn't realize it was an option. I mean, she had made it clear that the family needed to stay nearby and here I sit, always within 1/2 an hours drive of the parents (and therefore, sisters) house. Now, I don't want to give you the wrong impression: It's not that I'm trying to please everyone else. It's more a matter of not trusting my own choices. I'm such a pragmatist that I seem to think there is one absolute solution for every situation. The possibility that there could be TWO equal ways of dealing with something?! Whoa...

I just read a meme where someone names his favorite cologne's. Yes, he has TWO! I cannot imagine. I do not wear cologne because there is just too much chance of someone not liking it. If someone ever told me, "Hey, Tay, this is THE cologne for you," I'd wear it for the rest of my life. I still wear this outdated shirt to work about once a week because a woman once told me, "I love that plum color on you." It's now faded into your base purple, but once perfect, always perfect!

My living room is still primer white after four years because I cannot find that color that everyone agrees would be a perfect fit. I wore pants last week I absolutely hate because they are too tight and short, simply because the salesman said they were cool, and, when prodded, my trendy friend said she loved them. I felt like I was wearing tiny pants and lost the confidence to speak to anyone all night. Pitiful.

Some more examples of how I live by other people's rules: I live alone because he doesn't want his parents to know (his fear over my need); I sleep alone because he doesn't want MY neighbors to know (ditto); I hate my townhouse, and knew I would, but people told me "it just makes sense" for me... They don't have to live here!!

Gotta work on that... And figure out where it comes from: I used to be a straight edge, punk rocking skin-head looking kid with a big fat bumper sticker that read, "homophobia is not a family value." Where did that kid go?

Sometimes you can just tell

Am about due for a post, but really just don't feel like talking about it... so here's this instead...

Don't be too surprised to see this routine at your local drag show someday.

Me Meme

A meme I grabbed from another site... No, they did not tag me, I just wanna do it anyway...

Four Jobs I've Had In My Life:

  1. Ice Cream Scooper
  2. Shit scooper (vets office)
  3. Retirement home cafeteria
  4. Teacher in a day care

Four Movies I'd Watch Over And Over:

  1. True Romance
  2. American Beauty
  3. Godfather
  4. Angels in America

Places I've Lived:

  1. Baltimore
  2. Annapolis
  3. New Jersey
  4. Northern Virginia

Four TV Shows I Like To Watch:

  1. No Reservations
  2. Intervention
  3. Cash Cab
  4. Project Runway
Favorite Places I've Been On Vacation:
  1. Topsail Island
  2. Malta
  3. Niagra Falls
  4. Seattle
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
  4. my work e-mail
Four Of My Favorite Foods:
  1. sushi
  2. blue crabs
  3. tuna
  4. peanut butter
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
  1. Picking up my humanitarian of the year award and check.
  2. Meeting with my bank rep. who has just told me that they have made an error and credited my account for every penny I spent in the last year.
  3. Skiing, anywhere.
  4. Meeting with my wedding planner, or adoption agency.

Four People I Feel Sorry For Because They're Getting Tagged:

  1. Oink Grrr
  2. Epicurist
  3. FAF
  4. Boys Briefs

Don't hate me because I'm an asshole...

I obsess. Lately I've been thinking more about quotes, and how it is that certain people get such great quotes attributed to them, but no one ever quotes me... So here's a quote that's been looping through my brain's PA system for the past week... It may just be rude, pompous and accurate enough to stick...

"Patience is simply a tiresome but effective way to enable those around you to continue acting like assholes..."

Epitaph for sure.... Pity, another step towards crotchety old man...