Fucking Fun Friday

I've been noticing that our guitarist is around less and less before we play. I'm not sure where he wanders off to but I've just assumed he's playin the mysterious rock star and left him alone with this idea.

Ten minutes after we were scheduled to play Friday night here he comes, lead singer in tow. He's straight faced and serious, she's leaving a healthy trail of tears along the sidewalk.

The set was over an hour of pure emotion. After we played I heard, "passion, driven, raw..." thrown around among our friends. She strarted to cry again. The music can dull the pain, but just doesn't seem to take it away.

The guitarist approached me afterwards and let me know he's quitting the band. Asshole. Selfish, self-absorbed and less-talented-than-he-thinks asshole. Quitter. I did not beg him to stay, barely asked him why he was leaving. Some people run from failure, but it seems more run from success.

We chatted, I made myself clear, I started to gather my belongings. As I was walking inside for another armful of gear I heard a loud 'thud' behind me on the road. I turned to see her sitting on his hood, dead center, legs crossed and head held high. I walked inside.

When I re-emerged from the bar they were still there. He was now out of his car, she was crying hysterically, and I was asked (told?) to intervene. I don't think well on my feet in times like this.

"I'm not getting in the middle of your shit." I wisely retorted and walked on. I thought about it and returned.

I offered words of encouragement, I gave a hug, and said, "good luck with all that," before jumping in my own car and heading home. I passed the cops on the way out. Last I'd heard she was searching for a joint she had dropped on his hood. I was glad to be gone.

Twenty minutes later, at 3:05 am, I received a tear-soaked call from her, asking that I return to her house. By 3:35 I was on her step (I had to stop for cigs and gas, let the dog out... priorities I guess...)

We talked until 6:30 am. 6:30. I have not seen either side of 6:30 am in years and years. We laughed, she cried, it was better than Cats.

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