Shitty Day

Just not much to write about lately... Here is an example (todays e-mail to my best friend...) :

Hey, the next green queen bingo is next friday, the 15th.. will you go? :) of course you will...

Yes, poor Mr. Copper has gotten confused, he seems to think that he is meant to pee out of his butt... at one point this afternoon he was peeing out of the front and back simultaneously and that's bad... and messy.... He freaked out and tried to run away... I would too....

It has taken me three beers just to get over cleaning his crate this afternoon... ick... The Vet says Colitis, and $200 please... thank you sir!!... fuck!!!!! I asked her if it could come from a pizza crust [that SOMEONE gave him last Monday], and, honest to God, she said yes! but, it would have occured a lot earlier, so I
guess you're off the hook ; ) (I'm kidding ms. sensitive...) ;0)

love ya my da'ling..... *\o/*


Doug said...


Tay Hota said...

Okay Mr. Sarcasm McSquishybutt....

Doug said...

No no no no no no. I wasn't bein' sarcastic. I've never heard of, "at one point this afternoon he was peeing out of the front and back..." Now THAT's interesting.

Tay Hota said...

must not be a dog owner... is no fun, for anyone...

Doug said...

How was school for ya? How are your students so far? Why not blog about it?

Tay Hota said...

great, now I'm getting requests? hehe... honestly, I dont blog about work because a) it may help people identify who I am, and I dun wan dat.. and b) the kids I work with are protected by confidentiality and I prefer to protect that. ; ) yes, I'm a rule follower by nature... maybe I'll work in a story here and there..