Nic Fit

Okay, I know I'm obsessing a bit about this quit (14 days), but it's really all I have to talk about right now. Well, okay, I did visit the doc today to get a wart removed from my foot; I've been meaning to do this for a while (as in years). He walked in and said, "Okay, let's see it." I raised my feet so he could see my heels and his reaction, (mind you, he does this shit for a living) was, "whoa! oh my god, that's huge. There's nothing I can do for that." ummm.. okay, now the good news? Anyway... there's a different topic for ya...

So maybe the quit is not going as smoothly as I think it is. I feel great, and, while my cravings for a cig have increased, they're really no big deal. I was just sitting here patting myself on the back (well, everyone has to have a hobby!) when I realized that there may be a problem.

Within the past few days I have not been playing well with others. I flicked off a neighbor's car for having a Bush/ Cheney sticker on it (Yes, the car. There was no one in it. Does that make it better or worse?) Last night I was walking my dog around the parking lot and a neighbor came out of his house. I said something about hi, how are you, or whatever, and he promptly looked back down at his hands and kept walking. So, in my subtle manner, I said loudly (to my dog...) "Come on [dog], I guess he's not talking to us tonight." Turned the corner and rubbed the corner of my eye with my middle finger, in the guy's direction. Yesterday I drove at 5 miles an hour (in a 45) before weaving into the turn lane because the guy behind me was too close to my bumper. Today I got into an argument with some bitch in my smoking cessation support room, told her I hoped she was not a counselor and that I'd be back later when the "normal" people were on.

I need compensation skills, bad.


Madam Sakura said...

HAHAHA! I was picturing you flipping the empty car off...

My quitnet name is also jenellie_bean...

Oh, btw, thanks for saying I'm purdy..(blushing profusely)...Not something you hear everyday you know!

rabbit1970 said...

Tay Jota, thanks for the comment on my blog.

I totally get why you would flick off a (driverless) car with a Bush sticker, as I'd be likely too as well.

Good luck with quitting smoking.

Shannon said...

I have not smoked for 2 yrs and 1 month
Yes I too didnt play well with others (at least you have a great sense of humore about)
this really helped me
everytime I would nic out I would tell myself, I wont feel like this for ever. I didnt. I would have cravings kinda like labor contractions, I would feel them come - peek- and subside...
and they got farther and farther between
good luck
one day at a time, or moment at a time if that works for ya

Doug said...

First of all, congrats on quittin' smokin' 'n' congrats for makin' me laugh.

"Yes, the car. There was no one in it."


Sean said...

just catching up with current events -- good luck!

i totally get the edge factor. cut yourself some slack and write yourself a blank check for the next few weeks.

if anyone comments on your snarkiness, just tell them it could be so much worse, since what you really want to do is rip their head off and sh*t down their neck.

compared to that, flipping off a parked car (yes, the car) is the model of restraint!

you're going to be so fine.