Color blind? Retarded?

Well, no one's reading this, cause no one read the last one, BUT, I blame "you" anyway. So I felt that I was too indecisive and should test myself. After my last post I ran (drove) to a nearby clothing store and bought two outfits; no advice, no input from anyone. I came out, after many many hours, with two outfits. One was easy: gray pants, white shirt and cool blue and gray striped tie. No prob. The other was my risky one: greens hrit (similar to main color in header above), brown and green tie (very geometric and cool) and... here comes trouble... "field" pants... What the fuck is field? Well, it depends, in the store it's brown, with gold flecks in it.... That's fine and dandy, and is what I saw before I left for work today, and again before I stood in front of a room full of grad students as a panelist. They suddenly changed, though, as I drove from my office this afternoon... Dunno if it's the sunlight or neoroligical shift, but I almost drove off the road a bit ago as I glancved down to see that I suddenly had on greenm pants! A green in such a way that I was clashing with my shirt in a most obvious way... shit... I know, sounds petty, but I'm freaking! This is why I can't make decisions on my own: I don't trust myself because I tend to come out looking like an ass.... in green pants... fuck...


Nate said...

I have simply been trained as to what matches because I would otherwise be quickly identified as color blind and retarded.

Tay Hota said...

i asked my friend about this today (fallen back into others opinions) and she said, no, the outfit is great, but if I was feeling bad about it maybe it was the belt. and the shoes. hadn't thought much about those.

The Persian said...

I never trust other peoples opinions on clothes, it seems to vary so much. I put on something, look in the mirror and if instantly I like it, i'm done. If I look and Instantly question it, I change. I Don't try on something and say , well it doesn't look that bad or maybe in the light etc.

Instant reactions are key, to me.

Have a great weekend!

epicurist said...

Monkey, you make me laugh. You really are too cute for your britches...or your green slacks. ;p