Me Meme

A meme I grabbed from another site... No, they did not tag me, I just wanna do it anyway...

Four Jobs I've Had In My Life:

  1. Ice Cream Scooper
  2. Shit scooper (vets office)
  3. Retirement home cafeteria
  4. Teacher in a day care

Four Movies I'd Watch Over And Over:

  1. True Romance
  2. American Beauty
  3. Godfather
  4. Angels in America

Places I've Lived:

  1. Baltimore
  2. Annapolis
  3. New Jersey
  4. Northern Virginia

Four TV Shows I Like To Watch:

  1. No Reservations
  2. Intervention
  3. Cash Cab
  4. Project Runway
Favorite Places I've Been On Vacation:
  1. Topsail Island
  2. Malta
  3. Niagra Falls
  4. Seattle
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
  4. my work e-mail
Four Of My Favorite Foods:
  1. sushi
  2. blue crabs
  3. tuna
  4. peanut butter
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
  1. Picking up my humanitarian of the year award and check.
  2. Meeting with my bank rep. who has just told me that they have made an error and credited my account for every penny I spent in the last year.
  3. Skiing, anywhere.
  4. Meeting with my wedding planner, or adoption agency.

Four People I Feel Sorry For Because They're Getting Tagged:

  1. Oink Grrr
  2. Epicurist
  3. FAF
  4. Boys Briefs


epicurist said...

Very interesting. It seems you have a history with scooping, eh?

By the way, Wanton Wonton tagged me sometime ago with this one, adn you can see my results here;

suleyman said...

My family used to have a trailer on Topsail Island. It had orange shag carpet and reeked of fish. It washed out to sea years ago, thankfully.


M said...

I-I-I-I want seconds on that bank rep thing.