Fowl mood

I'm in a foul mood, so before the boy gets here let's see if a mental laxative helps. These are the things that are irritating me right now:
  • I'm sick to death of people telling me that they "set New Year's goals, not resolutions." Let's read from the Random House Thesaurus/ College Edition: "resolution: Have you made a New Year's resolution?: resolve, promise, intent, intention, purpose, plan, design, ambition; objective, object, aim, motherfucking goal. shit...
  • he wont stay over on new years eve; he decides, without letting me know, that he's not hanging out with me after we work out on Monday; he won't use the key he's had for three years to get into my house (the neighbors might see) and apologizes every time i have to run downstairs to answer the door. How do you apologize for the same thing repeatedly? It's like saying over and over, "I'm not sorry; I'm not sorry..."
  • the god damn bold has got a mind of it's own
  • some bitch today at work asked if I had a problem. I wanted to say, "got a mirror?" Then she asked if my comment was supposed to be "smart." The comment in question? "Oh, okay." What the fuck.
  • I just mis-spelled fowl. damnit man....

I think this is making me more irritated. Maybe a cigarette.


Madam Sakura said...

Hahaha..I'll fuckin join ya with the cigarette! Seriously though, I feel ya...Really I do...

Lurid said...

Blogger's bold does have a mind of its own sometimes. So does the ital. It's important to keep that shit on a tight leash.

It's annoying when people quibble in semantics and use one word when they mean another. Poopheads.

Hope you feel better.

Abreu, Jorge said...

I am totally sorry man... Alright, problem fixed now. Won't happen again. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

That sucks. I wish that you would talk to me about these things. I hope you know that I won't judge your relationship. We all have the good and the bad. Sometimes it's just more one way than the other. I understand why you don't say anything though. I don't tell you some stuff either because I'm afraid you'll think bad of me. Have you tried to talking to him about it?