Naked Boy Tags

Another fun tag from Naked Boy... Thanks!! I hope I have 23 posts, lets lower that bar boys?!

"Who the hell wants to hang out with that guy?!?!?!" In reference to my tendency to become panicky, needy and lonely when I get sick. Hmm, it's true. Sometimes when I'm not sick too.

ANYway, who to tag?? Lets see:
  • Curious1 (thinks I'm a girl, but I like his site anyway...)
  • Christian (a bit critical, but I like his stuff too.)
  • Chris (the running man.)
  • Frank (whew, talk about liking his stuff...)
  • Joe (will never respond, but hey, hell of a blog.)

Rules:1) Go into your archives. 2) Find your 23rd post. 3) Find the fifth sentence (or closest to it.) 4) Post the text of your sentence in your blog along with these rules. 5) Tag five other people.


Anonymous said...

TJ--I just checked my blog, and the 5th line of the 23rd entry is so lame, I think I'll pass on this particular tag-you're-it round. BTW, could you define "critical?"

Abreu, Jorge said...

My 23rd post is a pictue with a lil comment but nothing too great. I'm new at this and have never been tagged. Sorry if I don't do well.

Abreu, Jorge said...

What did I say to make u think I thought u were a girl?

Tay Hota said...

hehe, so many questions...

critical: "that's beeyooteefull! I'm cryin, heah." (and, to be honest, the other copmment I was thinking of was written by Billy.. sorry...)

thinkin I'm a lady: "I gotta tell ya... I'm definetly with u on writing that novel. We'll get there!!! As for the crush on Usher... Maybe it's just me but dude seems a lil... U know!!! I know u ladies like them prettay boys though."

Thanks for the comments. Remember I write these things in jest...

Madam Sakura said...

Just stoppin by to say hello. Things have been weird on this end, but I am trying to get back on the ball.