
What an amazing weekend! Beautiful weather, mountain air, good company, and live music! Went to Asheville for the Wilco show. Man I love that city. It really strikes me as what my hometown is trying to be. Revitalized downtown area, with lot of art, hippies, musicians and their tin cups. I really love it. We stayed in hostel called Arthaus. While not overly impressed by the "art" in arthaus, it was a great place to lay my head at night.

With this in mind, I am reminded of my Sunday Art Projects day gone by. I tend to get very blue on Sundays, and the only thing that seems to help is to complete small art projects. Low stress, low expectations art with very long time limits. This way I have a craft to enjoy afterwards, and the day just washes away. I think I may (no promises) try to house my Sunday art on here for a bit. Seems like worthy use of the space.

Currently I am taking photos of numbers. And repeated patterns. I can't explain the significance, not because there isn't any (I've had a mad desire to take these photos for a while now) but because I just don't understand it myself. I am not a photographer, so please, be nice. Remember, these are chasing my blues away.

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