media ketchup

Okay, so I don't stay abreast (he said breast) of news like I should, but here are a couple things catching my attention these days:

  • JERUSALEM (Reuters) -- Suri, the name chosen by Hollywood couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes for their newborn daughter, is raising more than its share of interest in Israel.
    It means "get out of here" in the local language, Hebrew. Makes sense to me. Check out more on Scientology here.
  • Admittedly not a long-time U2 fan, I have increasingly been intrigued by Bono's honest and questioning view of religion, especially Christianity. Here is a bit from his November 2005 interview in Rolling Stone (go here to check out their new cover "The Worst President Ever?"... Genius):

Was "One" about your relationship with the wife or the band?

It's a father-and-son story. I tried to write about someone I knew who was coming out and was afraid to tell his father. It's a religious father and son. "You say love is a temple/ Love's a higher law/ You ask me to enter/ But then you made my crawl." I have a lot of gay friends, and I've seen them screwed up from unloving family situations, which are completely anti-Christian. If we know anything about Gold, it's that God is love. That's part of the song. And then it's about how difficult it is to stay together in this world, whether you're in a band or a relationship.

He's got a lot of other amazing things to share about his experiences with religion and music... check it out....

  • Lastly- "I'm the decider." Pompous asshole.... Pompous idiot asshole.... And get used to it... Until the Democratic party gets their head out of their asses we can go ahead and plan on another Bushite in 1600 next go around.... Hillary ain't gonna get the vote... Stop debating it and work together to find us a viable candidate... We can't even maintain a TV show about a female president, how does anyone believe NOW is the time to risk everything on a real, flesh and blood GIRL? Lets' see how things go and maybe, if you're good, you can run with Obama in 2012... But we'll see...

(By the way, is there a way to post more than pic per post, without all of them showing at the top of the page? Can't I post one at the top and one near the bottom? How?)

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