Dream a Little Dream of Revenge

I think I mentioned before that I've been having dreams about the b/f cheating on me. He always does it right in front of me, is not very good at it, and it causes me to wake unrested and thoroughly pissed off. Although tempted, I'll avoid the analysis, except to say he's been acting weird (-er than usual) and I tend to think dreams are driven by narcissism (that is to say, they're all about me, not really him at all).

Anyway, I'd apparently had enough the other night and got my revenge. I became an assistant at my real life hair guy's shop. Apparently I was pretty damn good at working heads (cough...) and was having a blast. My hair guy pulled me in the back room to pick up supplies or something and we made out, for a long time. Sloppy, passionate, slammed against the wall long time. Now for the record, my hair guy would not be my type, and I have no intentions or temptations to cheat, BUT, it was a hell of a kiss.

I awoke rested settled and vindicated.


Madam Sakura said...

Good for you! Revenge (even if only imagined) is sweet!

suleyman said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by.

Greensboro in the house! I was born in Greensboro, actually. Lived there and in High Point for years. Now I live in Alamance County.

You got to see Wilco in Asheville? Lucky you. They're great, but I enjoy Son Volt and Uncle Tupelo, much much more.

I think there needs to be some sort of NC blog mafia.
